These questions were created and donated by the Women, Wine and Wit Bookclub of Bryant, Arkansas. Please feel free to use them in your own club’s discussion. Warning - these questions contain spoilers. If you haven’t read Every Last Secret and want to check it out, click here.


1.      When did you realize that the antagonist, Neena, switched to Cat?  Did it surprise you? Did you know all along?  Did you figure it out when the railing broke? 

2.      Which character did you find yourself pulling for early on and did that change as you learned more about each character? 

3.      Did you relate to Neena trying to find a way to make it into a higher social standing or the feeling of not fitting in?  When has this occurred for you?  How did you find yourself dealing with the cold shoulders? 

4.      Discuss Matt’s devotion to Neena. What did you think of it? How did you feel when reading the scenes of their relationship? Why did each of them stay in that marriage?

5.      Discuss Cat and William’s relationship. Was it strong or weak? Did they have true love? Did they deserve each other?

6. In the end, did each character got what they deserved? Did you feel anyone got more than they deserved?

More questions from the author:

What were your emotions at the end of the book?

If you were casting this movie, who would you envision in each of these parts?


  1. Originally, this book was set in North Carolina, by the Research Triangle Park. The publisher requested a change in location to California, which they felt would be more worldly and sophisticated.

  2. Originally, this book was written from four points of view. The first half was divided between Neena and Cat’s point of view, and the second half was from William and Matt’s points of view. This allowed the author to hide more about the female characters’ actions but it was decided later that there was too much jumping around and it needed to be only two viewpoints.

  3. The original title of this book was Sinner Sinner.

  4. This book’s inspiration was based on true events. A mentally unstable and married woman became obsessed with a husband and seduced him, then wreaked havoc on the couple’s life.