Alessandra Torre

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The Movie Trailer is HERE!

Sit back, prop up your feet, grab some popcorn and ENJOY....

When I watch this video, it tugs at a very special part of my heart.

Thank YOU for your support of this novel.

Thank YOU for loving this story.

Thank YOU for recommending it to others, and for reviewing it, and for helping it to become a success.

PassionFlix, thank you for loving Summer and Cole and for bringing them to life.

YOU, all of you, have made my wildest dream a reality. I hope you enjoyed this peek at what is coming in September. I feel as if I was there for so much of filming, but when I watch this trailer, I realize just how much they were really able to capture. If you want to see behind-the-scenes filming pics, or be notified when the movie releases, and get details on where to watch it, click here.

If you haven't read Hollywood Dirt yet, you can start right now >>


Happy Reading, happy watching, and thank you so much for your support! 

Hugs and Chicken Pecks,
